Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Information About the History of Jakarta Indonesia

11:50 PM Posted by Unknown ,
Jakarta's history began in a small town at the mouth of the Ciliwung River about 500 years ago. For centuries later evolved into the port city trading center internasio-nal crowded.
Jakarta historical sites

History Summary
Prior knowledge about Jakarta raised slightly through various inscriptions found in the city area. Information about the city until the early arrival of the European explorers can be said very little.

Reports of the European writers of the 16th century mention a town called Kalapa, which seems to be the main port for a Hindu kingdom called Sunda, Padjadjaran capital, located about 40 kilometers inland, close to the city of Bogor now. The Portuguese is a large group of Europeans first came to the city Kalapa. The city is then attacked by a young age, named Fatahillah, from a neighboring kingdom with Kalapa.

Fatahillah rename Sunda Kalapa be Jayakarta on June 22, 1527. This date is now celebrated as the birthday of the city. The Dutch came in the late 16th century and later mastered the Jayakarta.

Jayakarta name was changed to Batavia. Batavia natural state swampy like the Netherlands, their homeland. They also build canals to protect Batavia from the threat of flooding. City government activities centered around the field which is located about 500 meters away from the city.

They built an elegant town hall, which is the administrative center of the city of Batavia position. Eventually the city of Batavia evolving towards the south. The rapid growth resulted in a state of rapid lilngkungan damaged, forcing the Dutch authorities moved the center of government activities into higher lying areas. This region is called Weltevreden.

OBSERVING the city is like reading long records which record the events of the past. Various buildings and the environment in Jakarta save traces traveling community, how they behave facing the challenges of his time, meet their needs and adjust to the environment. It preserves love, grief and bitter-sweetness of development, where we can absorb valuable lessons.

Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, has a lot of historical record. Among others in the form of buildings and the environment. In it reflected past community efforts in building a city that did not escape from a variety of problems from time to time.

"If we look at the city today, it may be difficult to imagine that thousands of years ago this area was recently formed from silt the rivers that flow into Jakarta. For example Ciliwung, Angke, Marunda Kali, Cisadane, Great Kali, Kali and Kali Bekasi Citarum. Jakarta plateau age of 500 years is now estimated based on geomorphology, the science of soil layers.

These deposits form a terrain with ravines that resembles a fan. This plateau after a steady gradually inhabited settlements and formed several groups, one of which later developed into a major port, "said Muhammad Isa Ansyari SS, Leading historian at the Department of Culture and Museum Government of DKI Jakarta.

He said, the city is a city that is growing rapidly since got the role as the Capital Rl. The development was caused by social factors, economics and culture are intertwined with one another.

Starting from a small residential neighborhood with limited life activities, and later developed into a mega residential neighborhood with a variety of activities amatkompleks. In the exposure history of growth, in which the city government turns and conditions of the community is very diverse, both of ethnicity, race and religion following the various aspects of life, its inhabitants still build a place for living and berkehidupan them according to the ability of funds, resources and technology at their disposal ,

Jakarta History
Map of Batavia in 1897, Muhammad Isa Ansyari SS reveals the history of the city began with the formation of a settlement at the mouth of the Ciliwung. According to the news of the kingdom of Portugal in the early 15th century, the settlement was named "Kalapa" and is an important airport in the Kingdom under the rule of Padjadjaran, whose center was at that time located in the city of Bogor.

"In the kingdom of Padjadjaran, Bogor, it is still there is an inscription relics of the 16th century. The inscription of the name "Sato Write", relics Rahyang Void Watu Kencana, but by Europeans Bandar is better known by the name of Sunda Kalapa, because under the authority of Sunda, "said Muhammad Isa Ansyari SS.

In history, said historian Leading Local Government Department of Culture and Museum OKI Jakarta, Bandar Malacca Empire conquered Portugal in 1511. The aim of Portugal when it is searching for the sea route to reach the Moluccas, the source of the spice. Then in 1522 the ship mendaratlah envoy of Malacca under the leadership of Francesco De Sa.

According to reports Francesco De Sa occur negotiations with the leaders of Bandar Kalapa under the reign of King Sundanese Hindu. Meanwhile in the Middle Javanese kingdom of Majapahit develops with reflux Islamic kingdom in Demak. Islamic kingdom was then the Kingdom of Sunda include Cirebon in West Java, Banten, Kalapa and others. Given the lack of native resources of Central Java tnengenai events, then we are forced to turn to news of the kingdom of Portugal, which in turn not only anchored in the Moluccas but also the Kingdom of Portugal is merapatdi East Timor, said that in 1526-1527 a Portuguese fleet has visited Sunda Kalapa perfanjian meets the year for 1522. "It turns out they do not know that there has been a change in the power of the kingdom of Padjadjaran to the Kingdom of Banten, yaltu people of Central Java Muslim .Ivlenurut news they can, given the name Pangtima is Falatehan, their designation for Fatahillah name, "said Muhammad Isa Ansyari SS.

Prehistoric Period
In some places in Jakarta, such as the Sunday Market, Pasar Rebo, Jatinegara, Rubber, Kebayoran, Kebon Sirih, Kebon Nanas, Cawang, Kebon Pala, Rawa Belong, Rawa lefe, Rawa bangke, found objects prehistoric such as ax, hatchet, auger and chisel stone. Such tools come from the Stone Age or Neolithic period between 1000 BC. So, at that time already a human life in Jakarta.

"And as latnnya area, Jakarta also found inscriptions. Tugu inscription found in Cilineing. The inscription is loaded with information about the kingdom Tarumanegara King Purnawarman. According to the inscription, Jakarta is the Kingdom Tarumanegara, Puiau oldest kingdom in Java, in addition to Bogor, Banten, Bekasi until Citarum in the east and Giaruten, "said Mohammed isa Ansyari SS.

Chronology of Important EventsAt 686 AD. Tarumanegara kingdom was destroyed by the army attack the kingdom of Srivijaya. The 14th century, Jakarta into the territory of the Kingdom pakuan pajajaran often disebtit Pajajaran Kingdom, or the Kingdom of Sunda. Pajajaran Kingdom memiiiki six petabuhan, including the port of Sunda Kalapa. This port city is located in the Bay of Jakarta - at the mouth of the river Citiwung - which is the most important trading center seiak 12th century until the 16th.

Monday, August 21 1522. So important, Sunda Kalapa not escape from the target of the Portuguese orana which since 1511 has been entrenched in the mainland of Malacca. Their desire to get a good reception from the King of Padjadjaran. In addition to concern about the trade, the King of Padjadjaran also intends to request the help of the Portuguese people in the face of the Muslims, who had many followers in Banten and Cirebon. Demak, at that time, already a powerhouse and the spread of Islam.

The cooperation agreement was signed between King Pajajaran and Portuguese. The contents ditzinkan Portuguese built a fort in the Sunda Kalapa, characterized by the river Ciliwung. Wednesday, June 22, 1527. The agreement was unacceptable Demak, the Islamic Empire at that time was at the height of glory.

"Sultan of Demak send his army, led solely by law, Fatahillah. Fatahillah forces managed to occupy the Sunda Kalapa in 1527. When the fleet of Portugal came, menghaneurkannya Fatahillah forces. Portugal vain fleet was resigned to Malacca, "said Muhammad Isa Ansyari SS.

With the victory Fatahillah menggantt Sunda Kalapa be Jayakarta name. It means "Victory Berjaya". That historic event defined as 'day Thus the kind of' city of Jakarta. Jayakarta power ultimately lies in the hands of Fatahillah, and further extends to Banten became Islamic kingdom.

Year 1595. Cornells de Houtman and his men arrived in the waters of Banten. Dutch people came in search of spices. Competition between them tighter flavored hostility.

Wednesday, March 20, 1602 a token and statesman Kingdom of the Netherlands, Johati van Oldenbarneveld, take an initiative to collect the Dutch traders in a container. Stand trade unions Verenigde Oost Indische Compaqnie or VOC. VOC is a container conglomerate ancient times.

1617. People were allowed to trade in the Kingdom of the Netherlands Jayakarta. They acquire a plot of land east of the Ciliwung, in the township of China. There they build office and fortress. Stronghold of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was frowned upon the Jayakarta, Banten and the United Kingdom. They then fought.

1619. There was a fierce battle triangle between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Portugal in the port of Sunda Kalapa. Atmosphere Gulf Jayakarta it overnight into a red fire and blood red. At sea bay many corpses lying soldiers Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Portugal after the two nations were exhausted battered kingdom United Kingdom naval forces. England win the war.

Thursday, May 30, 1619, JP Goen recaptured once mastered Jayakarta. When the fleet of the British Empire no longer exists because it has been left sailed to Australia, leaving Jayakarta. Medium fleet (sea kingdom of Portugal went to the region of the eastern end of the archipelago, specifically in East Timor.

"Jayakarta in that year entered a new chapter. Dutch Jayakarta name changed into Batavia. Batavia name is derived from the name Batavieren, Europeans who become fathers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, "said Muhammad Isa Ansyari SS.

VOC initially made Batavia as a center of commerce and government. With the expertise of the Company through political intrigue and provoke or cfewtte et impera against kings in the archipelago. The whole archipelago pillaged. Any glory lasted long enough.

1798. VOC falls and dissolved. Power, property and debts yartg 134.7 million guilders taken over the Royal Government of the Netherlands. Wednesday, January 1, 1800, Indonesia has since been ruled directly by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. A council for the affairs of the Asian colony was established.

However, beginning in March 1942, the Kingdom of Japan took power of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in World War 2. Batavia name buried the Imperial Japanese army. And, the name of Jakarta replace it until now.